
Root Rake Grapple

Clear away unwanted roots, limbs and brush while leaving behind valuable soil. With the AMI Root Rake for wheel loaders, operators can efficiently clear away scrub more efficiently by reducing the amount of soil collected along with the brush. This allows for lower dumping and transportation costs and keeps the soil where it is needed. The Root Rake is available with or without a hydraulic grapple option and various tine spacing options are also available.

Specifications - Wheel Loader

FastTrack Category Model Machine Class Width Tines Tine Spacing Weight
50 WL50RR96HG 1.00 - 1.50 yds 96 " 8 13.5 " 1330 lbs
100 WL100RR96HG 1.50 - 2.00 yds 96 " 8 13.5 " WOR
125 WL125RR96HG 2.00 - 2.50 yds 96 " 8 13.5 " 2900 lbs
150 WL150RR105HG 2.75 - 3.00 yds 105 " 9 13 " 3555 lbs
175 WL175RR105HG 3.25 - 3.50 yds 105 " 9 13 " 3840 lbs
200 WL200RR112HG 3.75 - 4.50 yds 112 " 9 14 " WOR
250 WLS60RR120HG 5.00 - 6.25 yds 119 " 10 13 " WOR
300 WLS60RR120HG 6.50 - 7.50 yds 119 " 10 13 " WOR

FastTrack Logo AMI’s Fast Track Program features a wide selection of high-volume products that can be manufactured and shipped in a shorter time period with no compromise in quality and at no extra charge.

FastTrack Category Model Machine Class Width Tines Tine Spacing Weight
50 LB50RR96HG Class 50 96 " 8 13.5 " 1330 lbs

FastTrack Logo AMI’s Fast Track Program features a wide selection of high-volume products that can be manufactured and shipped in a shorter time period with no compromise in quality and at no extra charge.

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